This course provides training material for students and their instructors, looking at the potential for reducing food waste in restaurants, hotels and catering establishments. The course contains 6 modules which focus on opportunities to promote circular economy principles to managing food and food waste, frm supply to the customer. The course contains 6 modules which focus on opportunities to promote circular economy principles to managing food and food waste, from supply to the customer. Each module provides a slideshow, an associated quiz and supporting resources. |
- Διδάσκων: Vaida Sinkevičienė
- Διδάσκων: Erika Tonhauser
The food waste canvas presents the student with a guided approach, leading to the definition of an Action Plan that any student in the kitchen/cookery or in front of house service, can do. A student will typcially choose three aspects of a restaurant or hotel business relating to the provision of food service, and leads the student towards and Action Plan which can form part of the student's training and support the business they are working in. |
Acest program este conceput pentru a dezvolta înțelegerea modului în care deșeurile alimentare sunt gestionate în sectorul ospitalității și modul în care gândirea economiei circulare ar putea fi aplicată pentru a reduce cantitatea de deșeuri alimentare generate și reciclate ori de câte ori este posibil.
- Διδάσκων: Vaida Sinkevičienė
- Διδάσκων: Erika Tonhauser
Ši programa skirta didinti supratimą apie maisto švaistymo valdymą svetingumo sektoriuje bei padėti pritaikyti žiedinės ekonomikos principus mažinant maisto atliekas bei jas perdirbant.
This course provides training material for students and their instructors, looking at the potential for reducing food waste in restaurants, hotels and catering establishments. The course contains 6 modules which focus on opportunities to promote circular economy principles to managing food and food waste, frm supply to the customer. The course contains 6 modules which focus on opportunities to promote circular economy principles to managing food and food waste, from supply to the customer. Each module provides a slideshow, an associated quiz and supporting resources. |